
Entry Requirements

Grade 6 or above in GCSE Biology or GCSE Combined Science (G6-G6)
Grade 5 or above in GCSE Mathematics

What does this course involve?

Biology is a vast area of study and the A level course we study at the Chase covers aspects from organelles within cells and the biochemical reactions which happen within them to the environment around us and the impact which humans can have on it. The course uses a variety of skills from explaining biological processes, application of knowledge to statistical analysis of data. Practical work will play an important part in your studies, which will encourage the development of excellent key skills and will be assessed in the written papers. Although there is not a coursework component to the course you will work towards completing the Practical Endorsement in Biology which, if passed, will be reported on your certificate.

What can this course lead to?

The A level Biology course is a fascinating overview of all the modern developments in Biology that are so often in the news.
Many of our students take Biology along with other sciences, particularly Chemistry, in order to study Veterinary Medicine, Medicine or any of the life care professions.

Who takes A Level Biology?

Some students have linked Biology with PE, and perhaps another science, and gone on to read Sports Science or Physiology at university.
Some students of the arts and humanities take Biology to demonstrate their analytical
A growing number of students who are politically and socially aware of the problems facing the world study Biology along with Geography as a step towards a degree in one of the Environmental Sciences.
However, most students choose Biology because they enjoy it and know they have
a good chance of achieving a high grade.

Biology is the right choice for you if:

  • You are interested in the biological world around you and enjoy finding things out.
  • You wish to be taught in class sizes of typically 12-20 pupils by highly experienced teaching staff in well-equipped laboratories.
  • You are willing to work hard to make a success of the course.
  • You have good analytical skills.
  • You want an exciting course which will provide you with many skills that are highly valued.