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School Values and Ethos

School Values and Ethos

The Chase strives to be a school of excellence in every way and this is naturally made clear in our mission statement: 

This school seeks to encourage and reward excellence of every kind, to enable all students to reach their full potential and become successfully independent

Mr M. Fieldhouse

In pursuit of our mission statement, we strive to instil the following characteristics of effective life-long learning in all students:

  1. Aspiration
  2. Respect
  3. Resilience
  4. Adaptability

Whilst The Chase enjoys all the benefits of curricular and extra-curricular provision made possible in a large school, great effort is made to create a safe and friendly learning environment that allows students to feel at home and cared for in an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect.


Our four pillars


Aspiration square


Resilience square


Respect square


Adaptability square


Document Title Date Download
Our School Vision, Purpose & Principles - September 2024 12th Sep 2024 Download