For any examination queries please contact the Exams Officer (Miss Worrall) at or 01684891961.
Year 10 and 12 Mock Exam Timetable (Spring 2025)
Year 11 Spring Term Revision Session Timetable
Morning exams start at 9am and afternoon exams start at 1:30pm. Please ensure you arrive at the correct exam venue at least 15 minutes before the start of the exam.
Please ensure you have all the equipment you need for the exam (black pen, pencil, calculator, protractor, ruler, eraser etc). Pencil cases must be transparent.
Mobile phones, watches, MP3 players, notes, bags, coats are not permitted in the exam room.
If a student is unwell or is running late, please inform the examination officer and/or the school attendance before 8:15am or 12:30pm.
Please refer to the student handbook for more guidance.
The awarding bodies (Exam Boards) have strict rules which must be followed for the conduct of exams, and as a school we are required to follow and enforce them precisely and accurately to ensure examinations are fair to all students.
It is important for candidate to understand all examination expectations and regulations before undertaking any assessment or exam. Please follow the link below to the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) website to access the 2023/24 information and regulations.