Statutory and Important Information

Admissions Policies

Behaviour & Attendance Policies

Careers Policies

Curriculum Policies

Pupil Premium Policies

Safeguarding & Online Safety Policies

SEND Policies

Document Title Date Download
SEN Policy and Information Report 2024 06th Mar 2024 Download

General Policies

Document Title Date Download
Allegations of Abuse against Teachers and other Staff Apr 2021 03rd Oct 2023 Download
Mental Health and Wellbeing policy 2023 24 10th May 2024 Download
Document Title Date Download
40 A C Working in Academies including Code of Conduct Oct 2019 updated Sept 21 18th Jul 2023 Download
Accessibility Policy and plan 18th Jul 2023 Download
Allegations of Abuse against Teachers and other Staff Apr 2021 03rd Oct 2023 Download
Appraisal Policy 2020 01st Sep 2020 Download
CCTV Policy 2021 22 18th Jul 2023 Download
CEIAG policy 2022 23 18th Jul 2023 Download
CEIAG Provider Access Statement 2022 2023 18th Jul 2023 Download
Charging and Remissions Policy 2022 23 18th Jul 2023 Download
Complaints Policy 2023 24 18th Jul 2023 Download
Cycle code 2022 2023 18th Jul 2023 Download
Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice Sep 2022 18th Jul 2023 Download
Designated Teacher Policy 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download
Diversity Policy 2018 18th Jul 2023 Download
Drugs Policy 2021 22 18th Jul 2023 Download
EAL Guidance 2020 21 18th Jul 2023 Download
Early Help Offer 2022 23 18th Jul 2023 Download
ECT Policy 2023 24 18th Jul 2023 Download
Educational Visits Policy 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download
Equality Policy 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download
Exclusions Policy 2021 22 v2 18th Jul 2023 Download
Feedback Policy 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download
Finance Policy Procedures 2022 23 18th Jul 2023 Download
First Aid and Medical Conditions Policy 2022 18th Jul 2023 Download
Fraud Policy and Procedures 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme 2020 v2 18th Jul 2023 Download
Governor Allowances Policy 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download
Health and Safety Policy 22 23 18th Jul 2023 Download
LGPS discretions policy 2021 22 18th Jul 2023 Download
Literacy Numeracy Policy 2018 18th Jul 2023 Download
Low level concerns policy 2022 18th Jul 2023 Download
Mental Health and Wellbeing policy 2023 24 10th May 2024 Download
More Able Policy and Procedures 2017 8 18th Jul 2023 Download
No Smoking Policy 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download
Pay Policy Guidance Support Staff April 2022 18th Jul 2023 Download
Pay Policy Support Staff April 2022 18th Jul 2023 Download
Pay Policy Teachers Pay Policy 2022 23 v2 18th Jul 2023 Download
PSHE policy 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download
School Food Policy 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download
Security Policy 2022 18th Jul 2023 Download
Site Visitors policy COVID 2021 2022 18th Jul 2023 Download
SMSC Policy 18th Jul 2023 Download
Staff Expenses Policy 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download
Student Financial Support Policy 2022 18th Jul 2023 Download
Teaching and Learning Policy September 2022 18th Jul 2023 Download
Whole school approach to healthy relationships minds emtional health 18th Jul 2023 Download
Work Experience Policy 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download
Working at Height Policy 2021 18th Jul 2023 Download

Privacy Notice Policies

Academy Documents

Document Title Date Download
Final Accounts 31st August 2023 31st Aug 2023 Download