Our school uniform provider is Monkhouse you will find The Chase uniform pages by clicking here.
A smart appearance amongst students enhances their image and that of their school, instils a more business-like and purposeful mood and avoids competition over fashions and ‘labels’. Students should fully observe the school’s requirements about personal appearance throughout the school year. All items should be named so we can return lost property to their owners. ALL students in Years 7 – 11 are expected to wear school uniform in school, on journeys to and from school, at school functions and on visits where school uniform is required.
General information about school uniform
School Uniform Grants
Parents in receipt of welfare benefits may be eligible for a School Uniform Grant (£42). The child or children in the application for a grant must be starting at or transferring to our school. For further information regarding eligibility, please contact the school’s Finance Office.
The school provides a small sum of money each year to help families who may be in
financial difficulty. The aim of this fund is to help the most vulnerable with their education. The aim of this policy is to set out fair, transparent and objective criteria for approving such applications and to ensure affordability.
To read our Student Financial Support Policy please click here.
We hold second-hand uniform sales at regular points throughout the school year. Dates and details are shared in the School Bulletin and on social media.
Donations of good quality, washed, pre-worn uniform are always welcome and can be dropped off at the Reception donation point.
Your support helps other families and promotes sustainability within our school community.