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GCSE Options

GCSE Options

At The Chase we aim to inspire, build confidence and prepare our students for life and work through a broad and balanced curriculum that is built on the interdependency of knowledge and skills.

To achieve this goal, we see it as our duty to provide a Key Stage 4 curriculum that will best equip your child to face the challenges of the future. We may not be fully clear about what the future workplace will look like but we do know that those who will be best placed to exploit the opportunities opening up will be technologically literate and have an adaptable set of high level skills. 

To that end we seek to offer a range of courses at Key Stage 4 which will lead to a suite of recognised qualifications that we know universities and employers’ alike value and trust. Within the Key Stage 4 curriculum, we allow our students a degree of freedom to choose courses that best suit their interests and play to their strengths. 

Students take their options in Year 9. There is an Options Evening, followed by a parents evening in the January of Year 9.

Subject Offer

ALL students will be required to take the following Core Curriculum Subjects:

  • English Language & English Literature (2 GCSE's) for 9 units per fortnight
  • Mathematics for 8 units per fortnight
  • Science (worth at least 2 GCSE Grades) for 9 units per fortnight 
  • Personal Social Health Education (PSHEC) for 2 units per fortnight (non-exam).
  • Physical Education (PE) for 4 units per fortnight (non-exam)

The EBACC Subjects

The English Baccalaureate is not a qualification in itself - it’s a set of subjects at GCSE that keep students’ options open for further study and future careers. These subjects are:

  • English Language & Literature
  • Mathematics
  • History or Geography
  • The Sciences (including Computer Science) 
  • a Language

Why This Change Was Made

Reduced Cognitive Load: The introduction of the 9-1 GCSE grading system brought with it a significant increase in content, with most subjects seeing a 30% rise in material to cover and revise. Many GCSEs now require students to complete three papers per subject, resulting in around 25 exams during the summer examination period for those studying four options. By reducing to three optional subjects, we aim to alleviate some of the stress and cognitive load placed on our students.

More Curriculum Time: With three options, we’ve been able to allocate more curriculum time to both optional subjects and core subjects like Maths. This additional time allows students to engage more deeply with core content and develop the skills they need to achieve their full potential.

Students can choose from the following open subjects:

Art & Design or 3D Art or Photography


Child Development


Computer Science    


Creative iMedia (CNATs)  


Dance (BTEC)


DT Resistant Materials

Religious Studies




Statistics/Additional Maths FSMQ 

Food & Nutrition


Our options evening is scheduled for the 15 January,  The online version of the booklet is available here.

Year 9 Options Process Timeline

1. Launch to Students - Tuesday 14 January 2025

The options process is introduced to students, explaining the importance of their decisions and the timeline for the process.

2. Year 9 Options Q&A Evening - Wednesday 15 January 2025

An evening event for students and their families to ask questions about the options process, subjects offered, and the implications of their choices.

3. Deadline for Submitting Options Form - Monday 3 February 2025

Students must submit their completed options form by this date. Late submissions may not be accommodated.

4. Timetable Construction Period – February to Summer Term 2025

During this time, the school builds the timetable for the next academic year, taking into account students’ preferences. The aim is to ensure that students can study their requested subjects and avoid needing to use their reserve option.

  • Students are encouraged to carefully consider their choices, prioritising subjects they are passionate about and align with their future goals.
  • It is strongly advised not to be influenced by others’ decisions.
  • Due to the complexity of timetable creation, changes to subject choices are rarely considered after submission.
  • If there has been a significant error, students may contact their Head of Year for guidance.

5. Notification of Option Outcomes

  • Date: Towards the End of Summer Term 2025
  • Details: Students will be informed whether their option choices have been successfully accommodated upon completion of the timetable.

6. Start of the Academic Year (September 2025)

Students are encouraged to try their chosen subjects before requesting a change, which must be submitted by 30 September 2025, with only one subject change request permitted per student.

  • If a student wishes to change a subject, they must demonstrate to their Head of Year, with parental consent, a compelling reason for the change.
  • It will be assessed if a swap is feasible within the timetable, does not disrupt other subjects, and meets the criteria.